Acerca de mí

 I didn’t realize how much I love nature until I started going for walks in my favourite childhood park, where my Dad would take us.  This park is beautifully landscaped, so much so that people still take wedding photos here like I remember many years ago.  Unfortunately, I started walking here because I lost my brother in 2022.  I felt I needed to walk and walk and walk and I felt there’s no better place.

During these walks, I couldn’t help but notice all the beautiful flowers. I was in awe that these perfect flowers simply just exist in nature.  I started to take pictures of all nature and picking wild flowers, with a sense of purpose but I didn’t know what it was.  I simply enjoyed it so I kept doing it.  Wild flowers really do make the most stunning bouquets, in my opinion.

After seeing pretty products with resin and dried flowers at a handmade market, and doing my own research, I had to dive in.  The first thing I made was a Pop Socket with a perfect Daisy in the centre and knew I wanted to make a ton more things with these beautiful flowers.  

I considered this new passion a hobby but before long, simply through a conversation, with no intention of selling, I got a wholesale order!  It was this order that pushed me to start From the Wild in 2023.   

And, I can’t talk about me without mentioning my son Justin, my favourite human.  I raised Justin on my own since he was 2 years old.  I would be Justin’s Mom over and over and do it better and better.  He’s now an adult (this happens way too fast) and very independent so the timing is perfect for me to be Elana too.  

I would say to anyone who is wants to be more happy in their every day lives, follow your heart and what gets you excited because that’s where happiness lives.


Love, Elana